
The Properties page for any element displays various characteristics unique to that element. Features like height, width, length, color, shape, etc. can all be altered from the properties page.

To access the properties page for a given element:

  • Double-click on the element.

  • Right-click and choose Properties.

  • Select the element and press the Properties button on the Actions toolbar.

  • Select the element, open the Settings menu and choose Properties...

  • Select the element and strike the key combination [Alt]+[Enter].





Arc Tab:

Arc tabs appear on elements defined by a circle segment.

  • Center Point: gives the X, Y coordinates relative to the current benchmark of the point around which the arc curves.

  • Start Point: gives the X, Y coordinates relative to the current benchmark of the point where the arc begins.

  • Sweep Angle: determines the direction of the arc from the start point. A positive sweep angle indicates a counter-clockwise arc while a negative sweep angle indicates a clockwise arc.

  • Point in the Plane: gives the coordinates of a third point in space used for defining 3 dimensional arcs.


Line Tab:


All line based elements such as pipes and rulers have a Line tab on their properties dialog.

  • Start Point: gives the X, Y coordinates of the line origin relative to the current benchmark.

  • End Point: gives the X, Y coordinates relative to the current benchmark of the line termination.

  • Length: displays the distance from the origin to the termination of the line.